Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Pelaburan, market terbarai, Mahathir salahkan Yahudi lagi?

Dari FB Mejar Huan Penang:

Cukup sedih , baru sebulan lebih , begitu banyak billions sudah hangus.

Saya harap Kerajaan Baru focus pada kerja mereka . Jangan wayang sini dan sana lagi. RM 6.00 billion is gone and yet you all still playing politics and keep on blaming others everyday.

The Mat Salleh pulled another RM238.85 million out of our share market today - Monday 18 June 2018.

Due to the falls in our Bursa where it is now the 28 consecutive days of foreigners pulling out money from our shares since GE14, the top 10 companies that EPF invests in has lost a combined RM55 billion in value.

Read on HERE

Tervirsl di WA pula:

THE Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has seen its investment value in 10 public-listed companies (PLCs) drop 12% or a whopping RM6.09 billion, a month after the 14th general election (GE14) that saw a change in government for the first time in Malaysian history.

A compilation by The Edge shows that following a post-election stock market meltdown, the value of EPF’s investment in the 10 companies has declined dramatically from RM51.21 billion to RM45.12 billion within a month - The Edge

Foreign investors pulled another RM238.85 million out of our share market today
Monday 18 June 2018.

Due to the falls in our Bursa where it is now the 28 consecutive days of foreigners pulling out money from our shares since GE14, the top 10 companies that EPF invests in has lost a combined RM55 billion in value.

These 10 companies alone out of the dozens invested by EPF has already cost EPF RM6.1 billion in losses as reported by The Edge today:


These companies are Cahaya Mata Sarawak, MRCB, IJM, Gamuda,  Maybank, CIMB, Axiata, Telekom and TNB.

Remember that this is just 10 companies and our Bursa has a total of 894 listed companies and you can imagine the amount of devastation that can easily be RM200 billion in value destroyed.

So, EPF has easily lost tens of billions. What about Khazanah, ASN/ASB, Tabung Haji, KWAP, Amanahraya and the rest?

What about the ordinary folks who invested directly in the stock market or those who bought unit trusts?

This is what happens when our new PH government continues with politicking and political attacks with their populist policies, political statements as well as lying about our national debt.

They politicking to continue attacking Najib/BN and we are the ones suffering.

It has come to a stage that whenever our PM, Finance Minister and our Economic Minister opens their mouth, our financial markets fall and people lose money.

And they have not stopped. Our new Economics Azmin Ali just told the UK's financial times that Malaysia is a bankrupt country!

Yes, our minister officially in charge of our economy just told one of the most reputable financial media in the world that his country is bankrupt.

Which foreigner in their right minds would still want to keep their money here in Malaysia or put in money here?

Adakah Mahathir akan salahkan Yahudi lagi? Dari FB Salahuddin Hisham:

Few FB comments expressed concerned with words uttered by Tun Dr Mahathir and Lim Guan Eng as not helping the economy. In addition to repeated mentioning of RM1 trillion debt political hoax, there was the technically deficient earlier remark of Guan Eng on government bailing our 1MDB.

Enough of picking on Guan Eng. Azmin's remark is far more damaging. FT.com quoted his, "Economy is in a mess" remark here.

And, there have been many developments over the weekend and Hari Raya holidays. Comments on foreigners streaming out of the stock market have gone viral. There is also rising awareness on the important agriculture product of Malaysia, palm oil and potential of ringgit.

The instinct is it could be a stormy Monday by the indication of increased amount of foreigners' selling last Thursday.

It is strange that everything is falling into place since the selling two days before polling on May 9th. No ... no ... please not another Zionist conspiracy.

Forex dulu dia salahkan Yahudi kan? Rupanya salah sendiri 31 billion petap sembunyi. 

FB yang sama dari SINI:

Salam 1 Trillion

Kita renti dulu komen hal stock mkt, bond mkt, rgt dan oil palm. Dah memang tengah terduduk.

New government hoping petrol price will be their saviour for the shortfall from GST cancellation. New development:

Russia, Saudi seek raised OPEC output of 1.5 million bpd


Brent also down to US$72 per barrel today. Was close to US$80 per barrel over past 2 weeks. Each US$1 per barrel means RM300mil revenue to Malaysia.

That's the price Malaysia uses to measure our exports for oil.

Previous BN govt used US$52 per barrel to do our budget for 2018. But prices went higher than forecast at US$80 per barrel which allowed PH to use this to help offset the GST.

But now it goes back down meaning Malaysia is going to be badly hit.


  1. Old school mathir
    Masih guna old style cari duit..
    Patah balik style dolu dolu..
    Harap minyak..
    Harga tak tentu..
    Penat la.. kalau guna gst.. collection duit negara..
    Tambah setiap tahun.. dan tetap...



Sila komen mengikut tajuk yang dibincangkan. Komen yang lari tajuk dan tidak sopan boleh ditahan siaran serta diban jika melampau sangat.