Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Opposition in a panic to spin, DOJ case will be thrown out

If an unscholed idiot like Mahfudz start to speak, it means Opposition is in a state of panic. Who cares if Johari Ghani is not involved? It is not a Minister job!

If that is not enough:

36 Tony Pua And Wong Chen Are Liars, 1MDB Did Not Pay Double To IPIC

Setelah itu gagal, DAP buat spin lain:

Berjanji Bayar USD1.2 billion Tidak Menghapuskan Jenayah

Mereka risau kerana kes DOJ akan dibuang dan terbukti mereka membohong dan sabota ekonomi bersama orang asing:

Umno leader: Settlement weakens DOJ's case

25 Apr 2017, PM 9:06 (Updated 25 Apr 2017, PM 9:13)

The settlement between 1MDB and the Abu Dhabi's International Petroleum Investment Corporation (IPIC) has derailed the US Department of Justice (DOJ) civil suit to seize more than US$1 billion in assets allegedly purchased using funds siphoned from 1MDB, said an Umno leader.

"This arbitration settlement has weakened the US DOJ civil suit and claims that 1MDB's funds were stolen," said Umno supreme council member Mohd Puad Zakarshi in a statement today.

Saham naik akibat berita baik penyelesaian IPIC-1MDB

Investors either view yesterday's news of the 1MDB-IPIC settlement positively or has shrugged it off and continue to pour money into Malaysia.

Bursa Malaysia broke the 1760 points barrier this morning and is up significantly this year. It was just 1611 points back in late December 2016.

Meanwhile our Ringgit has recovered against the USD. This morning, the Ringgit made strong gains against the USD and fell below the RM4.40 barrier for the first time this year and is currently at RM4.385.

With the recent "over-weight" on Malaysia recommendations by major international funds including from Morgan Stanley just last week,  Malaysia should continue to benefit from these foreign funds inflow.

At the end of March, the share of foreign holdings in government bonds was reduced to 24.9% from 29.3% in February - the lowest in six years but the Ringgit did not fall and remained steady.

This suggest that most of the investment by foreigners have now gone to the stock market instead as they bet that Malaysia's economic growth will gather pace for the next few years.

1 comment:

  1. We will wait. We have been waiting for avery long time.

    In the end truth will out.


Sila komen mengikut tajuk yang dibincangkan. Komen yang lari tajuk dan tidak sopan boleh ditahan siaran serta diban jika melampau sangat.