Saturday, December 17, 2016

Sotong tergoreng cuba pertahan bohong MRT

Kami menunggu Rafizi memberi komen ( ).

Orang pembohong memang tidak malu. Masih nak cuba juga membohong:

Dalam dia kata orang tidak faham, dia lupa bahawa dia adalah sotong:

Lim Sian See menjawab:

PKR VP Rafizi Ramli claimed the prime minister had inadvertently confirmed his years-old fears that the entire MRT project could cost up to RM100 billion.
"Since last night, Umno online propaganda groups have launched a social media campaign to show that the true cost of the MRT project was only RM21 billion and not RM100 billion as I had previously mentioned.
"They attacked me on social media (on this issue).
"What they do not realise is that Najib announcement that the cost to complete Phase 1 of the MRT for the first stretch from Sungai Buloh to Kajang (12 stations spanning 21 kilometres only) was RM21 billion.
The RM21 billion cost mentioned by Najib is only for 21km out of the planned 141km MRT line, he said, which means it is only 15 percent of the total cost for the entire MRT project.
Employing simple calculations, he said, if the cost for each kilometre of the rest of the MRT line remained roughly the same as it was for the first phase, it would be RM1 billion per kilometre.
If that is so, the remaining 120km of the MRT line would cost about RM120 billion, Rafizi said.
"Clearly, the Umno online propaganda groups consisting of Papagomo, Raja Petra (Kamaruddin) and Lim Sian See do not understand the details of the MRT project," he said.

Clearly the Lapiji is angry at me for attacking his 2012 lies yesterday.
To defend himself, he claims that Najib said RM21 b (RM2b below budget of RM23b) was for the 21km section opened - hence RM1 billion per km.
In actual fact, Najib said is was for ALL packages for the entire Phase 1 and 2 of MRT1 of 51km in length. Bodo!
What a liar this sotong is.
If you are angry with me, attack me lah. Why you go fitnah Najib instead?
Oh yah.. "Tugas kamu memang untuk menghasut rakyat tiap-tiap rakyat untuk benci Najib dan BN" - like what you admitted.
And why you lump me together with Papagomo and RPK?
RPK only reposted my post on his blog while I am not sure what Papagomo did.
Rafizi's new lie:
The actual truth of RM21b for 51km
The 30km Phase Two involves 19 stations between Semantan to Kajang and part of the RM23 billion MRT project which spans 51km with 31 stations.
Nampaknya sotong ni boleh disamakan dengan ketam berjalan macam Lim Guan Eng dan udang berotak macam Mahfuz.


Elok digoreng dan makan begitu saja

Jangan-jangan toksik kot sotong kuat bohong!!!


  1. Didustakan tetapi mereka sabar

    Binatang Ternak (Al-'An`ām):34 - Dan sesungguhnya telah didustakan (pula) rasul-rasul sebelum kamu, akan tetapi mereka sabar terhadap pendustaan dan penganiayaan (yang dilakukan) terhadap mereka, sampai datang pertolongan Allah kepada mereka. Tak ada seorangpun yang dapat merubah kalimat-kalimat (janji-janji) Allah. Dan sesungguhnya telah datang kepadamu sebahagian dari berita rasul-rasul itu.

  2. Mudah2an sotong insaf dan diberikan hidayah....


Sila komen mengikut tajuk yang dibincangkan. Komen yang lari tajuk dan tidak sopan boleh ditahan siaran serta diban jika melampau sangat.