Sunday, July 24, 2016

AG Amerika ditipu Tun M, SR dan Pondan Berjanggut

Dokumen di atas muncul di Wikipedia yang menunjukkan Aabar Investment PJS Limited (BVI) adalah anak syarikat kepada Aabar Investment PJS.


The Ministry of Finance and 1MDB has clarified many times that 1MDB has never sent funds to Jho Low and any funds that they send to is to their business partners, PetroSaudi, which is owned by Saudi royal family's Prince Turki and the Abu Dhabi Government owned sovereign fund Aabar Investments PJS.

1MDB deals only with PSI and Aabar. PSI have paid back all the funds invested by 1MDB together with a profit.

Whereas the funds sent by 1MDB to Aabar is currently in dispute as IPIC and Aabar says that the company that 1MDB sent the funds to named Aabar Investments PJS Ltd in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) is not owned by them.

As detailed in the US FBI case, much of the funds that Jho Low is accused of using comes from this BVI Aabar Investments PJS Ltd.

When 1MDB signed the Joint-Venture agreement with Aabar Investments PJS in Abu Dhabi. The discussions was with Aabar's duly-authorized Chairman, Khadem Abdullah al-Qubaisi and their Managing Director Mohamed Badawy Al-Husseiny - both of whom are also indicted by the FBI together with Jho Low.

During the agreement signing, 1MDB also engaged their internal and external lawyers to certify that Aabar Investments PJS Ltd in the BVI is owned by the Aabar Investments PJS in Abu Dhabi.

The attached document is the Certificate of Incumbency issued by the incorporation of the disputed Aabar in BVI. This certificate is issued by Hong Kong based Offshore Incorporations Limited (OIL)- he leader in international incorporations and corporate services.

The Certificate of Incumbency states the two directors of Aabar Investments PJS Ltd in the BVI to be the Chairman and Managing Director of Aabar Investments PJS and the sole shareholder to be the Abu Dhabi based Aabar Investments PJS.

Headquartered in Hong Kong, OIL has offices in the BVI, Singapore, Taiwan, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, UK, Cyprus and Dubai and has around 220 employees.

OIL is a group company of Vistra Group, which has 2,300 employees in 40 jurisdictions; its global headquarters are in Hong Kong.

If the official incorporation documents, the Chairman of the parent company, the Managing Director of the parent company and both the internal and external lawyers engaged in the joint-venture due dilligence tells 1MDB that Aabar Investments PJS Ltd in the BVI is legitimately owned by Aabar Investments PJS in Abu Dhabi, then what else could 1MDB have done differently to certify that this is not a fake company?


Maka dengan ini tuduhan Tun Dr Mahathir yang dibuat melalui Pondan Berjanggut si Dato Berseri Khairuddin Abu Hasan dan budak upahan Soros, Clare Brown dengan cara membayar pelobi seperti Jack Abram supaya Dept of Justice tahan harta-harta boleh dipersoalkan.

Peguam Negara Amerika pernah punya niat jahat untuk guna KARI untuk jatuhkan pemimpim luar dan campurtsngan dalam urusan negara yang Amerika ada kepentingan.

Bekas DPP dari pejabat AG di Pejabat Peguam Negara kita suatu masa dahulu memahami cara perundangan Amerika dan kini persoal amalan jahat Peguam Negata Amerika, Loretta Lynch di

Awas bila negara luar campurtangan.


  1. pendek kata 1mdb ni sangat suci lagi murni dan untung 42 bilion...

  2. Dulu kutuk amerika...kutuk media yahudi...
    Sekarang nak dijadikan teman demi kuasa dunia dan harta.
    Bangsat!!!!Tak cukup2 ker menjarah harta negara selama 22 tahun!!!!!

  3. Tabik pada Tun kerana berjaya perdaya kerajaan Amerika Syarikat.

    Benarkah begitu mudah US kena tipu bukan saja antoney, tapi IRS, FBI dan berbagai agensi kerajaan Amerika...

    Bercakap benarlah walaupun perit...

  4. Tuan unspinners...

    1) ipic/aabar kata dia x dapat duit pun. Ini ada dalam statement LSE.

    2) apasal x bagi duit terus ke dlm aabar PJs sebaliknya masuk dlm aabar bvi.

    3) kalo nampak bvi atau Cayman tu memang nak songlap le apa lagi.

    Spins selagi boleh ye Tuan. mofo days are numbered...

  5. Hebat Dr Mahathir. Dulunya sangat dibenci Amerika. Sekarang dapat mempengaruhi DoJ US.


  6. Cuba listkan apa yg tun m tipu
    and listkan apa yg njib tipu

    listkan apa tun buat dlm 8 tahun pemerintahannya
    dan list najib buat dlm masa yg sama

    Dan Akhir

    Bagaimana tun m jadi terkenal diserata dunia terutama negara Arab
    Dan bagaimana najib terkenal serata dunia terutama melibatkan Arab

  7. Masing2 dok suruh baca report doj tapi tak upaya jelaskan salah unspinners.

    Be specifics. Serangan mcm pentaksub kelab chedet

  8. hudoh rupanya bila orang tua tu tak dapat apa yang dihajati. kitol yang diperkatakan dulu tu...rupanya dia sendiri. chehhh....


Sila komen mengikut tajuk yang dibincangkan. Komen yang lari tajuk dan tidak sopan boleh ditahan siaran serta diban jika melampau sangat.